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Public participation is the involvement of citizens, society and non-governmental organizations in the policy-making process. The purpose of public participation is to ensure that the decisions made by the public administration are in accordance with the needs of the public, explained in a timely manner and understandable to those who will be affected by them. Public participation has several benefits, which are generally aimed at improving the quality of the regulation - in this process, the real problem is identified, possible alternatives are evaluated, possible "side effects" of the regulation are discovered in time, and it is also achieved that the developed solutions are effective.

Representatives of society can express their opinion on development planning documents, draft legal acts at the initial stage of their development, as well as at the other stages when issues relevant to society are being addressed. Any representative of society who is affected or interested in the issue to be resolved can give his opinion. Every public representative has the right to receive feedback on his proposal.

Public administrations implement public participation proactively, looking for the most effective ways to involve and inform the public, especially the part of society that is affected or could be affected by the planned activity.

The procedures for public participation shall be governed by:

If you have proposals to improve the laws and regulations under the authority, we call for them to be sent to the e-mail address: pasts@vdeavk.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the person responsible for the public participation in Commision:

Dace Baraka

Deputy Head of Administration and Customer Service
dace.baraka [at]

In order to ensure the performance of its functions and duties in a clear and transparent manner to the public, as well as to ensure the availability of information to various groups of the public, the Commision cooperates with public representatives and non-governmental organizations.

Commision , as a subordinate institution of the Ministry of Welfare, participates in the development of regulatory acts of the sector within the scope of its competence. In this process, every representative of society and various non-governmental organizations, have the opportunity to participate in order to defend their interests and express their opinion.

Commision invites society representatives to participate in the process of developing the legal framework in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers' decision of 25.08.2009. in regulations no. 970 "Procedures for public participation in the development planning process" by providing written opinions or opinions on the projects of legal acts under the control of the Ministry of Welfare and other sectors at the stage of their development or coordination.