In what cases does it give an opinion to extend the incapacity sheet for more than 26 weeks?
State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability (hereinafter - Commision) provides an opinion for extension of the incapacity sheet during the period of temporary incapacity (hereinafter - opinion), which shall continue for more than 26 weeks if the incapacity is continuous but not longer than 52 weeks over a period of three years if the incapacity is repeated with breaks.
If temporary incapacity has lasted 26 weeks but the person has not yet recovered his/her capacity and if necessary to ensure full treatment (including rehabilitation), Commision shall deliver an opinion.
In order to give an opinion, the Commision doctor expert takes into account the information contained in the family doctor's referral to evaluates the person's health disorders and functional abilities.
If the expression and nature of health disorders are such that the functioning restriction they create is not stable and therefore targeted treatments, including rehabilitation, may change, the Commision shall provide an opinion.
In the event that the limitation of functioning is considered stable and it is predicted that it will not change significantly in at least the next six months, Commision determines disability.
In order to receive an opinion, a person must submit to the Commision no later than five working days before the end of the 26-week period of continuous incapacity for work:
- application;
- referral to the Commision (form No 088/u), documents in the annex thereto;
- functional Capability Self-Assessment Questionnaire.
More information on the submitted documents, their forms and information on correct filling is available in the section: