Translated by machine translator

For the examination of disability or working capacity, a person submits to the Commision:

  • Application


  • Doctor referral to Commision (form no 088/u)


Referral to the State Commission of Health and Health Examiner Doctors (form No 088/u) (form for handwriting filling, prepared by a family doctor or treating physician)

Referral to the State Commission of Health and Health Examiner Doctors (form No 088/u) (form for completion in computer writing, family doctor or treating physician)

Supportive materials for a family or treating physician: Nosūtījuma aizpildīšanas vadlīnijasVeselības traucējumu novērtēšanas kritēriji.


  • Other documents, if the doctor or the person himself considers that they are necessary for expert-examination

A person shall submit to an expert-examination of predictable disability:

An individual rehabilitation plan (form) prepared by a family doctor or attending physician (Individual rehabilitation plan).