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Līdzfinansē Eiropas Savienība un Navionālais attīstības plāns 2027


ESF + Project No. . “improving the efficiency and quality of the work of the State medical Commission for Health and Working ability assessment”

Title: improvement of the efficiency and quality of the work of the State medical Commission for Health and Working ability Expert-examination

Project number:

Project objective: the of the to increase the efficiency and quality of servicing of persons with disability or restrictions on functioning, the professional capacity of employees of the State medical Commission for the Expert-examination of Health and Working ability, while reducing the time spent for the performance of the disability expert-examination. .

Main activities of the project:

  1. Development, validation, development of curricula and target groups for improving the professional capacity and methodological management of persons;
  2. Development of Commission processes and analytical function, including improvement of analytical functionality in the EES and EES in conformity with the planned changes regarding the regulatory enactments regarding procedures for the determination of disability of children;
  3. Improving the services provided by the Commission by developing a common model for the provision of information on available aid in the event of disability;
  4. Implementation of measures for raising public awareness and awareness of current developments in the evaluation process of disability detection, working ability and functional limitations;
  5. Information and publicity measures on the implementation of the planned project;
  6. Project management and ensuring its implementation.

Project outcomes: the professional capacity of the target group of the project has been improved in the , reducing the time spent performing expert-examination, increasing the efficiency and quality of servicing persons with disabilities or restrictions on functioning, and promoting respect for equality, inclusion and fundamental rights of persons with disabilities. .

Project cost : for the , the total cost of the project is EUR 1 000 000, including: . European Social Fund Plus (ESF +): EUR 850 000 and national budget: EUR 150 000.

Duration of project implementation: 9 June 2022-31 December 2025 (43 months)


The title of the project shall be “improvement of the efficiency and quality of the activities of the State medical Commission for Health and Working ability Expert-examination” (hereinafter - Project).

The project number is:

The project shall be implemented by the State medical Commission for the Expert-examination of Health and Working ability (hereinafter - Commission)

The aim of the project is to improve the efficiency and quality of human services, the working capacity of Commission staff, disability expertise to be carried out more quickly, in a shorter period of time.

The project target group shall be Commission staff.

The Commission shall implement the project from 9 June 2022 to 31 December 2025.

The project costs one million euros.

The project receives funding from the European Union - eight hundred and fifty thousand euros and from the budget of Latvia - one hundred and fifty thousand euros.

What is being done about the project?

  • Commission staff are trained to serve the customer effectively.
  • Commission doctors are trained on disability-specific issues.
  • Seminars are organised for Latvian doctors on disability issues.
  • Seminars are held for social workers on Commission services
  • A methodology for providing information to people with disabilities is being written.

The improves the information system. . The information system stores data on people who have undergone an expert-examination of disability.

  • Information on Commission services and news is being prepared and disseminated to people.
  • Information on the project itself is prepared and disseminated.

Finally, it is planned to achieve the following indicators and results:

  • 1 the authorities (Commission) have received aid;
  • 1 improved information system;
  • the disability expert-examination shall be performed for a maximum period of 22.92 days.

The project manager Lelde Krēslina is responsible for the project



Lelde Krēsliņa

Project Manager
lelde.kreslina [at]